Foundation Office

321 Genesee Street
Oneida, NY 13421

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Oneida Health Foundation Funding Request Procedure

澳门在线赌城娱乐基金会是奥奈达卫生系统的慈善机构,旨在提高人们的认识, educate, develop, and sustain funding that supports growth, innovation, 与健康结果相关的需求不在收费医疗服务和/或保险范围之内.

Criteria Used for Determination

Request Support

About the STEP Fund

STEP基金是通过基金会的筹款努力诞生的,并在许多方面作为数十年增长和机会的载体, 包括购买或升级新设备或技术, 员工或社区/高中教育奖学金, ongoing and needs-based community education, capital campaigns, 新工作/职位和社区项目的机会, like the YMCA’s Fit Kids to combat childhood obesity.

STEP基金通过各种内部和第三方筹款活动和活动得以维持, ongoing community engagement, planned giving, ongoing stewardship, major and memorial gifts, corporate sponsorship, and grant development.

As this work continues, the Foundation’s vision is to create a long-term, 对奥内达健康中心患者健康结果的代际影响, their families and caregivers, our employees, and the communities we serve.

When Request Can Be Submitted

在医疗保健行业工作的一个令人惊叹和兴奋的部分是,每天都是不同的,这为我们提供了批判性和创造性地解决问题的机会,或者为我们的社区的医疗保健行业带来新的想法. 但是,任何新的挑战都伴随着意想不到的或计划外的障碍. 当这些需求出现时,基金会努力支持每个部门,并希望有机会提供帮助, if possible.

At the end of every year, 每个部门向奥内达卫生财务办公室提交预算申请,供其审查,并有可能将其列入下一年的总预算. We, at the Foundation, 明白在年度预算确定后,可能会出现不可预见的需要或机会.

以下流程将允许部门向基金会提交财务支持请求, outside of the normal year-end budget process. 这些奖励将根据具体标准进行优先排序,资金将可用,直到耗尽和/或新财政年度开始. 基金会的财政年度为每年的1月1日至12月31日.

Point Value of Criteria Used for Determination/Award

  1. Does this request directly affect patient care? Yes or No (Yes = 10 points)
  2. Does this request directly affect employee(s)? Yes or No (Yes = 10 points)
  3. Does this request directly affect a grant program? Yes or No (Yes = 10 points)
  4. 此请求是否涉及患者或员工的安全? Yes or No (Yes = 10 points)
  5. Does this request expand a current service line? Yes or No (Yes = 10 points)
  6. Does this request impact a billable service? Yes or No (Yes = 10 points)
  7. Is this request urgent or emergent? Yes or No (Yes = 10 points)
  8. Will this request have a fiscal impact? Positive or Negative (Both = 10 points)
  9. What is the amount of the fiscal request?
  10. 在本财政年度剩余的时间里有多少资金可用.
  11. Has this been requested before?
  12. Is the hospital willing to contribute a portion? Yes or No (Yes = 10 points) If so, what amount?
  13. Did a provider endorse this request?
  14. 这个部门今年已经通过基金会获得资助了吗? Yes or No If so, what amount?

Other Criteria

  • Provider Endorsement = 10 points
  • Previous Department Award = Taken into consideration
  • Amount of Funding Request vs. 剩余资金金额=已考虑在内

Total potential points per application = 100 points


  1. 分数以百分数/100分计算
  2. Amount of funding requested/Total Funding Available
  3. 医院捐款/如有,匹配的百分比(如适用)
  4. Previous Department Award in the Same Fiscal Year

请完成以下步骤,以帮助我们简化流程, receive, prioritize and track your requests, and respond efficiently and promptly. 我们的目标是为您的请求创建请求和结果, 所以你可以为这种需求及时制定计划. 澳门在线赌城娱乐基金会及其董事会为支持这样一个独特和关怀的医疗保健系统感到自豪!


Step 1: Fill out the electronic funding request form below. Printable PDFs are available by emailing

Step 2: Once received, 您的要求将转发给您的直接主管/经理/高级领导进行审核, comment, edits, and approval or denial.

a. If denied, 关于拒绝发生的原因的描述将被放置在备注栏中,以供基金会跟踪和记录.

b. If approved, 申请将被列入名单,由基金会理事会/财务委员会指定的评审小组进行评审.

Step 3: 申请将由基金会审核,并视情况每月颁发. If a request is more urgent, it will be forwarded to the CEO and CFO to discuss, review and determine the next steps, along with the Foundation’s involvement.

Step 4: 基金会将通知监督实体和CC:初始请求方和认可请求的提供商每项请求的决定(裁决或拒绝)。, via e-mail along with a description of the next steps. 结果也将被记录在基金会请求档案中.

a. 如果批准购买设备、用品等., 请求将需要遵循获得报价和获得供应商关系所需的步骤, per Oneida Health System policy and procedures.

b. Once the purchase is completed, 采购订单和/或报销申请将需要发送到基金会,以削减支票. 支票和订单将被归档和财务记录.

c. Once the request is completed, 澳门在线赌城娱乐基金会希望收到请求部门的后续电子邮件,说明这些物品是如何帮助员工的, patient, system, etc. 这份影响声明将向捐助者和基金会理事会提供有关请求结果的信息.

Submit Electronic Request

然后,基金会将跟踪请求的完成情况,并将结果记录下来,以备将来的资助机会. 这些请求也将在基金会通讯中列出, social media, 和/或年度报告,以提高对STEP基金捐款对卫生系统影响的认识, the patients we serve, and the community at large.

感谢您帮助基金会简化我们的流程,并确保所有的请求, no matter how large or how small, are heard and documented!